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Tuesday, April 6 @2:39 PM

Hello Everyone!! wanna know more about making up? taking care of your skin? choosing the right outfit for you? well check up this website www.propassion2010.com and stay tuned while they working up on a website with all these cool tips just for you! so hurry up and waste no time! click on them!!

also join their facebook fan page!! *click me to go to the facebook fanpage, NOW*

Tuesday, March 9 @3:18 PM

hello readers!!

just a little adv for proPassion a student base PR consultancy!!

hurry up and follow up on www.propassion2010.blogspot.com for upcoming news on Movie Carnival 2010!!

love fun and exciting games and activities combined with your favorite movies!? well come on now than, just click on the *click me click me* and you guys can wait for updates and information on movie carnival!!

waste no time peeps!!

gossip boys,
we know the force loves us!

Friday, January 16 @1:11 AM

i'm currently doing my advertising internship and the truth is i never done shits in my internship before.

Most of the time i will be chatting with eemay on msn from 10am-6pm about very random shit and talk about L4D half of the time.

Ini dia game L4D,
Tidakah anda merasai mahkluk gambar ini seperti villain
incredible hulk 2?

11 january, msn conversation,
two advertising student had a conversation like this.

eemay :"Joel check out this ad man, oooo damn nigga, i liiike"
joel: "Oh"
*1st picture received*

1st pic.
from the point of view of a 2 years advertising student:
"BMW da P.I.M.P of automobile industry, is congratulating AUDI for winning the South African car of the year. And in a sarcastic tone, BMW aka da P.I.M.P is telling his bitch AUDI that, we are the WORLD car of the year, and you are the SOUTH AFRICAN car of the year.

World beats South Africa hands down.

eemay: "wooo damn you saw that 1st picture already rite? now you look at this 2nd picture"
*2nd picture received*

2nd Pic
from the view of a 2 years advertising student:
" Well AUDI the bitch gave a bitch slap to BMW dah' P-I-M-P. Coming back with an advertising saying congrats for winning the World Car of The Year,

from your friend,
winner of consecutive Le Mans 24 Hour Races from 2000-2006,

eemay: "now check out this 3rd ad"
*3rd pic received"

3rd Pic
from the view of a 2 years advertising student:
"SUBARU aka Da' B-O-M-B came out of nowhere, and bitch slap both BMW and AUDI at once,

bagaikan peribahasa yang terkenal
-hitting 2stone with 1bird"

a few days later....

15 january, msn conversation,

joel: "eemay i just send u an email, very important"

*eemay checks email*

*eemay replied my email*

you know you love us,
gossip boys.

Wednesday, December 17 @4:41 PM






Tuesday, December 9 @3:36 AM


things has changed in my life..
so i decided to quit blogging and just lay back on my life till i die
i`ve ran out of juice to blog
so being a typical tansli i`ve just decided tat shuttin this blog is the best idea
not onli its the best idea its the onli solutions
plus i dunno y am i even talkin lik i hav alot of readers

so here are some strong points to shut my blog up

1. nuffnang dont pay me enuf
2. nuffnang don pay me enuf is because i have no readers
3. i cant think on wat crap to blog and i don lik bloggin bout my life cuz it`ll make you read for 6months on one post which is goin something like this point number 3 which u idiots are still reading now because u dunno what is happening and u wont realize it until u actually finish reading this point because ur to occupied trying to think wat kind of point is this and tis is still going on so why not u stop reading this point and skip to the next. but u wont cuz im mind fuckin u rite now and u noe it but u just wont stop reading it rite?
4. im getting lamer
5. im all out if motivation to blog
6. people said this blog is full of crap but i don understand and are they even readin it.
7. i don wanna end up lik da vincci who got famous after his death so i shall quit now and relax
8. early retirement due to bad health condition
9. point 8 is not true
10. i am not kiddin bout this shit

so after tellin u my strong points on why te fuck tansli is talkin in proper english and bein so well mannered.. tansli is goin to share some true stories bout himself

1. tansli is not a tansli
2. tansli can speak good english
3. tansli is always goin to be a tansli so don fuckin try to be me
4. tansli is not chinese educated
5. tansli has a fren hu looks lik lilo from the cartoon lilo and stich
6. tansli drives a cheap car 
7. tansli onli gave himself te title tansli in order to fit in
8. tansli is hot no changes in that
9. tansli is havin insomnia or tansli is just not able to sleep over u noe wat
10. tansli is tansli



Monday, December 1 @6:49 PM

when tansli grow up this will be his answering machine...

hello im kenny,
if its telecom i`ve paid your money,
if its the management office i have no money
if its daddy i need money,
if your jonathan u owe me money,
if your a girl i have money

yes im bored and sorry for not updating..

Friday, November 14 @4:16 PM

This Post goes too eemay
the one who doesnt wanna admit she lost my MMC
1g, 4g and 8g

She randomly blogged about me
and proudly ask me to blog about her

so here is a post for u ma nigger...
Foo Shizzle My Mayzzle

I`ve been told that
my dear fren had join the lala group of PJ


wat te fark is that?


here are some of her new frens
plus she joined a new group


Kelan Rambut Gila Babi (Baby but lala cant spell eng for nuts)

in a month time or so..

eemay wont be able to walk or even see the road

good luck my fren

so here some lil song i think eemay is goin to sing in the nex few months..

E.M - Whatever i Like

clips on hair
char on ice
we can ddr all nite
baby i can cut watever i like
i said i can cut watever i like

late nite dance
so good
yo so geng
i`ll gas up the train for u 2nite
so baby u can go werever u like
i said u can go werever u like

and all the lala says!!



note**this post is just for laughter nothing stated in the post were to offend te person involved except the weird hair cut

Sunday, November 2 @5:28 AM

hello my lovely stupid readers!!

tolay tansli is goin 2 tell u people y mandalin is the same wif engelis!!

in tansli`s theory mandalin is engeris..
simple as tat...

don belif?

come come tansli show u abit..

yew ah sou suu pik
(you are so stupid)

ai wan du eik(1)
(i wan to eat)

pii khan kuu

khing khong
(king kong)

suu pah man

don belif? read fast fast la..

sii boh?
collek rite?

so basically once u can read engelis u can speaking mandalin

yes this post is stupid
i don think its funny cuz im too lazy to search n think one by one..

Wednesday, October 29 @9:38 AM

i woke up n found out i over slept and knowing i didnt get to say bye to cotton
shes gone to JB due to due some issues over here with my management office..

im goin to miss that lil devil's bark
waking up findin her nex to me on my bed
falling asleep together wif her
she wanting to get on my lap wen im using the computer
eventho she poo`s n peepee around te hse
we still lover her...

im missin her alredy.....


Sunday, October 19 @4:59 AM

and welcome to tansli liang dot brogspot dot com

for the beginning of a new year in another 3 more months tansli would like to make a survey to noe his readers better for knowing him better in a way that helps tansli bond and link towards togetherness if togetherness is even a word for world peace and anti corruption from the people to make this world a better place just like the song micheal jackson the child molester which everyone loves because he is a good singer sang in order to live a great life.


1. which of the following looks like tansli the most?
a. brad pitt
b. takeshi kaneshiro
c. matt damon
d. jared leto

2. by year 09 will tansli be hotter?
a. ofcuz
b. slighty yea
c. i think so yea
d. i not sure cuz im blinded by ur handsomeness

3. which of the following question doesnt make sense
a. Q90
b. Q82
c. Q112
d. Q1124443

4. if u managed to answer question 3 i salute u
a. there is no answer
b. this question is not a question why is there even answers?
c. there is still no answer for question 3
d. why the hell did i even read this answer?

5. tansli is sorry for making u waste ur time
a. forgiven
b. as always
c. not forgiven
d. imma kill u

6. question 5 answers are all wrong please reselect
a. handsome la u
b. sexy la u
c. hunk la u
d. semua di atas la u

7. are u or are u not a bapok?
a. yes
b. ya
c. haik
d. uhuh

8. thank you for wasting ur time on this page
a. welcome

9. why is there onli one answer for question 8?
a. because thats te onli answer
b. because that is wat i wanted 2 say
c. because its cool
d. all of above

10. (essay question) if a farmer had 10 chickens which laid 80 eggs each, how many ducks does he owns?

tips - the answer for the amount of ducks is not more than 1 or 0

u hav 3 years to answer this question
minimun word essay is 3million words
it is an open book essay
u may not use a calculator
u may use an abascus
u may not use a hibiscus
please submit ur answers in paragraphs
u may start after reading this post

thank you

@4:33 AM

tolay finally tansli is goin 2 brog lik a tansli

reason 1 - tansli cannot sleep
reason 2 - tansli havin fever veli uncomfortable
reason 3 - nuffnang refuse 2 giv tansli money
reason 4 - nuffnang scold me as tansli redo survey
reason 5 - tansli still cannot sleep

so tolay tansli is just goin 2 tell u wat ppl hate bout tansli most

1. tagging me in tags.
reasons - tansli answers rubbish which doesnt make sense n then retag the same fella

2. asking tansli to go club
reasons - always say don wan bcuz no money and its boring

3. reading tanslis blog
reasons - never update and not as funny as before

4. msgin tansli
reasons - reply most as 4 - 10 words (rarely 10)

5. talking to tansli
reasons - talks cock, no sense and looks better than other guys, ego

6. out of reasons
reasons - out of reasons

TanSri`s Periuk Nasi

m K y g s`
a nice kid, a combi of paul liangs sperm and also jessica loos ovum.
borned in te land of te laksa n char kuey teow, PENANG!!
not very proud of it..
still a student which is hopeless.
love`s food.
love`s himself.(yes i am vain)
ppl c me as an idiot which i am.
can b very nice also very annoyin and irritation and also nuisance.
has a bunch of great frens.
always dream`d of becomin rich.
owns a burberry boxers.(sweet!)
lives in dirty house.
mempunyai a nice bed.
into jrock.
had a lip piercin.
in coll tat is a living hell
owns a run dwn car
am i clown
american african wannabe
Tan Sri Wanabe
Tiesto wannabe
Dj Kennito